16-17 January 2022
Starting Point
Status: After learning a bit of Javascript, which does indeed seem pretty straightforward, this morning I learned that it will not work as a way of pulling random images from a directory. I need a server-side language, such as php or Ajax, to do that. Given that I’ve gotten started with php, I think I will continue with that.
Next Steps
- So, right now, I can pull random text lines from a file and display them. That will be a nice way of displaying quotations. I think I will tweak that a bit more, and see if I can make it work in the new web page – I still need to figure out how to make php run from an html file, or maybe just see that having a php suffix on the end of my index file is sufficient, and doesn’t look weird to visitors.
- After I do that, I can then do the same thing for images. And, ideally, with the php code I’ve already find, I can figure out how to display text associated with each image as well.
- Then, I’m thinking I will
- find a way to have links to my experimental blogs on my sight, but keep them mostly hidden
- decide if I feel like I have enough material to start a public blog
- My hope is that having a place to ‘publicly’ display stuff I care about will motivate me to document it, and wrap it up in nice packages that will be useful for me later.
- https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-use-php-in-html-code–cms-34378
- tutorial on php: https://code.tutsplus.com/courses/php-fundamentals
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