16 February 2022
- After the flashcard exploration did not work out, I decided to see if there were any pre-made tools offered by softaculous. And indeed there were: in particulr, Omeka, which is an open source platform for creating exhibits.
- I managed to set it up on my site, and am currently importing a few pictures of rock samples into my site. So far, so good!
- I found some code that is supposed to produce flashcards using html, javascript and jquery.
But it doesn’t entirely work. …I didn’t think to test it until I’d gone through the tutorial and produced something that didn’t quite work.
- Then I just downloaded the original source, and that didn’t work either.
- I tried it online, in case there was some problem with running it locally, but that didn’t help.
- Also looks like the format of the coding log isn’t working as I would wish. : – (
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