Wednesday 23 February 2022
A couple of weeks ago I installed MAMP. MAMP is a solution stack for web development and stands for Macintosh (OS), Apache , MySQL, PHP. It enables one to run a server based environment on a local machine, and simplifies development because new versions of a site that use php do not have to be uploaded to an external server.
I am now going back to MAMP for php development — that will help avoid the error I had yesterday where I uploaded my php file to the wrong directory and was unable to see any effect of changes I make. With MAMP, I can just edit the file directly.
Figuring out the code
The first thing I will do is figure out the code that makes the random quotations work. Here is the snippet:
<?php $textfile = 'quotations.txt'; # data file of text lines to display randomly (html ok) #### READ STRINGS FROM FILE (in same directory) INTO AN ARRAY AND RANDOMIZE THEM ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', TRUE); #alters php settings to detect newlines $disp = file($textfile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); #reads a file into an array $count = (count($disp)-1); #number of lines in array minus 1 $rand = array(); # declare that rand is an array for ($a=0;$a<=$count;$a++) {array_push($rand,$a);} # Puts sequence of $count indices into $rand shuffle($rand); # shuffles indices in $rand #####Create html formatting and embed choosen string in it echo '<table id="foo">'; $col_ent = array(); # declare that $col_ent is an array $i = 0; $key = $rand[$i]; #put the first element of $rand into $key array_push($col_ent,'1'); #put 1 into #col_ent echo "<tr><td class='foo-$i'>"; echo "<div class=\"quotationDiv\">"; /* style=\"margin: 10% 15%; text-align: center; font-size:18pt; font-weight:bold;\">"; */ echo "$disp[$key]"; /* the string*/ #display a random string using $key echo '</div></td></tr></table>'; #Once there was more code that created multiple random entries indexed with col_ent /* echo $post; */ ?>
Ok, I’ve commented the above, and can see that the original code that I copied from this had a lot of leftovers from when it tried to be a far more general function. I think I should be able to rewrite the above so I can just generate a random number and use it as an index to select a random line.
Like this
- #load the file into the array
- #determine the length of the array
- #generate a random index from the set 0 to length-1
(assuming that php arrays start with 0) - #print out the line, embedded in the proper html
That works. The reduced code looks like this:
<?php $textfile = 'quotations.txt'; # data file of text lines to display randomly (html ok) #### READ STRINGS FROM FILE (in same directory) INTO AN ARRAY AND RANDOMIZE THEM ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', TRUE); #alters php settings $quotes = file($textfile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);#reads a file into an array $count = (count($quotes)-1); #count number of lines and sub 1 $key=rand(0,$count); #generate a random index #####Create html formatting and embed choosen string in it echo '<table id="foo">'; $i = 0; echo "<tr><td class='foo-$i'>"; echo "<div class=\"quotationDiv\">"; /* style=\"margin: 10% 15%; text-align: center; font-size:18pt; font-weight:bold;\">"; */ echo "$quotes[$key]"; /* the string*/ #display a random string using $key echo '</div></td></tr></table>'; #Once there was more code that created multiple random entries indexed with col_ent ?>
- Now I need to remove the legacy formatting… the<td class=’foo-$i’>.
- And I also need to be crisper on the IDs and class stuff…
- and the div and table stuff
- OK, legacy formatting is gone — the table formatting has been discarded and there is just Div.
- One odd thing that is happening is when I make tweaks to the .php file, they don’t always seem to have an effect right away. It’s as though the original file is cached, though doing what I think is required to force a reload doesn’t make a difference
- ==> The above problem appears to be due to having ‘lost’ a semi colon in the style section.
The other mystery is that I tried putting all the style code into the main css file and it broke stuff — could that be due to the missing semi-colon???
=> YES
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