VSC, Github Desktop, css-in-wordpress

Friday 25 February 2022

At the end of the day, I am

  • Able to use VSC, and find it preferable to BBEdit
  • I got github desktop to let me edit a branch, but I couldn’t see how to merge it back in to main. I don’t really understand the git model yet. I finally got rid of the branch, and manually updated the main files, and uploaded them.
  • I’ve figured out markup (as it works in wordpress), and figured out how to change the appearance of headers in my wordpress theme.

All in all a reasonable day’s work.


I’ve installed Visual Studio Code on my Mac. So far it is performing as promised — it makes css code more legible, and shows examples of colors referred to in the text. Hopefully it will work as well for php and html. Taking a quick peek at the html reminded me that there is still a lot of clean up to do. …Before I embark on that, I want to see if I can get git or github working locally; modern version control would certainly be preferrable to my modus operandi of just creating copies of folders and trying to name the appropriately.

Github Desktop

I looked into Github and discovered that I have an account, with the username 2goldfinch, from 2017. This was created for some kind of IBM project, but I never used it other than making a couple of test repositories. Now I hope to explore it a bit more, and am encouraged that there is a desktop version that is oriented towards point and click folks like me. …Besides using it to maintain my website materials, I’ve read that people also use it to manage writing. I’m not entirely sure how that works — do I need to write plain text with markdown? We shall see.

Markdown and css-in-wordpress

So the basic markdown works for creating headings, but I don’t see how to re-use reusable blocks; applying custom css styles to each block seems way to cumbersome to be the way it ought to work.

Also, all of a sudden, I am now getting the spinning beachball cursor appearing forlongish amounts of time as I am writing here. That doesn’t seem good. Could it be related to special css files? …Or is it some weird interaction with githum desktop trying to sign into github.com. Not sure.

=> Not long after, github desktop complained it wasn’t in the app folder and that this might cause problems. So I moved it, and also moved VSC to the app folder. Hopefully that will help. ….That, and a reboot, seemed to help.

Changing the appearance of the headers with css

OK, now I can use markdown to easily create headers, and I’ve found out how to insert css to change the appearance of the header text — it appears necessary to include “!important” at the end of each css statement. I presume that overrules defaults set elsewhere.

h1 {
    color: #000066 !important;
	font: small-caps bold 20pt Arial, sans-serif !important;

h1.entry-title {
    color: black !important;
	font:  bold 24pt Arial, sans-serif !important;

h2 {
    color: darkred !important;
	font: small-caps bold 16pt Arial, sans-serif !important;


h3 {
    color: cornflowerblue !important;
	font: bold 13pt Arial, sans-serif !important;


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