Saturday 30 April 2022
What I would like to do today is to be able to enter text on a web page and have it entered into a server file. That is complicated by the need to validate the entry so a page can’t be hacked. Yesterday, or maybe it was the day before, I think I figure out in general what I needed to do, and even wrote/found code snippets to do it. Today I want to try it and see if it works.
First, I need to remember how to get MAMP running, so I can do the trial and error on my local machine. OK, that is just a matter of finding
1. MAMP (which is in my applications launch page), and
2. the MAMP htdocs directory (there’s a shortcut in my favorites panel)
OK, so I can launch index, and I can see it is running on local host (and I have a note on that instance of the index that says “MAMP” as a double check), so that is good, Clicking on subsidiary pages works fine, and they too run on local host.
BUT when I click on the .php link firefox wants to open the file with something else, rather than run the page.
…I thought this was working before.
OK, looks like I left workspace.php in a non-working form.
…but restoring the original doesn’t work. It still opens in BBEdit rather than running.
…I thought that I had this working.
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