Tuesday, 26 July 2022
While I had intended to report on the trip in this blog, it turned out, since I was writing on my phone, to be easier to do a series of daily posts to Facebook. So this is the last bit on Iceland here, at least for the moment. I plan to edit and expand the FB posts, and will eventually post them here, or in a another of my blogs.

Geology of the Peninsula*
*Much of this is adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geology_of_Reykjanes_Peninsula
The Reykjanes Peninsula is the continuation of the submarine Reykjanes Ridge, a segement of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. It reaches from the Esja volcano in the north to hengill in the east and Reykhanesta in the west. It originated 6-7 Ma in a rift-jump, after the Snæfellsnes-Skagi rift had drifted to the west out of range of the presumed location of the mantle plume.
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