Picture of Tom Erickson



What I do
•  I study (geology, mostly), read (essays & science fiction), and write (essays).
•  I also hike, run, garden, and cook.
•  I am learning to play the piano.

I welcome notes from friends, colleagues and, really, anyone who cares to write: a gif of my email address.


What I did
•   I retired in 2018 after 3+ decades in R&D (SPI, Apple, IBM).
•   I studied and designed novel interactive systems, drawing on
    sociology, rhetoric, architecture, and urban design.

I do not consult; nor do I do reviews.

If you're interested in my professional life, here's a one-page bio and a CV

If you are looking for copies of publications or more information:
•  Research lists topics I pursued, some of my favorite papers, and a few project archives.
•  Publications provides a comprehensive list of my papers and patents, and links to copies.
•  A handful of slide shows can be found on slideshare.

My Blogs

Essays:    Essays and other writing. For general consumption.

Notes:      Notes on books, trips, classes, &c. Not polished, but could be interesting to anyone.

Journal:    On daily life; essay-lets. Written for myself; perhaps of interest to friends.

Words:      Notes for myself regarding my own writing; unlikely to be of interest to others.

Sampler:      View a random excerpt from each of the four blogs.

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