
Saturday 10 August 2019

To Do Today

Health and Activity

Slept quite well; arose at 6:30 — Katie slept in til 8:00 after interrupted night, but had decent amount of sleep. I still have three ‘sun-burned patches: over right shoulder blade, right front arm pit, right outer hip, as well as jock itch on right. None of it seems worse or better.

The day is rainy so may or may not go out for a run or ride, although it is supposed to stop raining this afternoon.

Did Kitty care in the morning. Went fine. Kitty seems lower energy that in the past… perhaps due to hypothyroid condition

Household Things

Yesterday started updating accounts, by downloading and normalizing last two months of spending. I plan to finish that today, so that I can add spending to Berger letter.

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