
Wednesday 14 August 2019

From then to now…

It’s amazing how time passes. I would have said I missed two days in writing here, but in fact my last post was Friday, so four days have gone by.

Last weekend …I’m trying to recall what transpired on the weekend: we did not do much. Katie had dinner with J Friday evening, and Writing Group at A&A’s on Sunday evening. I took care of Kitty for K&C over the long weekend, including giving her transdermal medication via her ear every 12 hours; I did a run on Sunday, but my iPhone says almost no steps on Saturday. I was still having the sun-burn-like skin patches problem which is now mostly gone (along with the jock itch). I did practice piano, and make decent headway in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which we are reading for book group. Oh, I spent quite a bit of time entering and analyzing June and July expenses, and finishing the notes for the Mark Berger meeting.

Monday/Tuesday. Monday was a relatively busy day. I had a dentist appointment in the morning, and met Ari Fleischman (?), who will be taking over from Dr. Bach. He’s personable and seems perfectly competent. That’s nice, as he is young enough that he will likely outlast me. I also took Katie to vision therapy, and then we did a ‘studio visit’ to complete our purchase of Jody Williams’ latest book. She showed us a bit about how its made, and described some of the ‘structure’ in the book. It was nice to get a bit more of a sense of her. Tuesday I had another dental appointment — On Monday it was determined I needed two old fillings replaced, time was available on Tuesday, and so it was done. Quickly and painlessly, as promised. Nice to have that over with, and to have that experience with the new dentist. After that, I dropped Katie off for a haircut, and did the usual piano routine of practice followed by my lesson. After that I stopped at the store on the way home, with the idea of grilling achiote chicken that evening. A combination of rain and needing to pick up Katie at around the time I should have started the grill derailed that plan, so the chicken is getting a 24 hour marinade the fridge, and we will grill, weather permitting, tonight.


Up to date now.

SG asked to move our Pleasant Chat out a week, so we did that, so my schedule is wide open. I plan on going on a run in not too long. It’s a lovely day, and my weight is now consistently in the upper 170’s. I hope by the end of August, it will be in the lower 170’s, and perhaps by mid September I can be in the 160’s. I still hope to go to Yosemite for some hiking in October, but we will see how that pans out.

Katie has been craving order: order in the house, and order in the yard. I’m making an effort to keep the kitchen picked up, and will try to focus on some of the primary trouble spots in the yard: the back path, and the boulevaard. Hopefully I can make good progress on that this week.

Had a good run at Minihaha Creek. It was perfect weather: cool, low humidity, partly sunny. Not too crowded either. Unfortunately, like usual, the running app lost connectivity and inaccurately recorded my distance and speed, giving me a “Congratulations, you have a new record” message (#AI-ain’t-I). Weight afterwards: 178.

Spent afternoon making progress through Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, weeding the back step path, and made achiote chicken for dinner.

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