Su: Hearts of Our People MIA exhibit

18 August 2019

From then to now

Friday the high point of the day was a visit to the Minneapolis Institute of Art to see their exhibit: Hearts of Our People: Native Women Artists. I particularly liked two tryptichs by Mary Sully (her artist/English name). I can’t find an image of either trytich, but the drawings below are by her and give a sense of her work:

Three drawings (colored pencil) by Mary Sully.
[Google search on “Mary Sully tryptich”]

There was also a low-rider-styled car, done in the black on black style of traditional Pueblo pottery:

Native artist's version of low-rider-style car done in black-on-black style of Pueblo pottery.

Native artist’s version of low-rider-style car done in black-on-black style of Pueblo pottery (MIA exhibit: Hearts of Our People: Native Women Artists).

Other things on Friday.
Had a good piano lesson. Jose said something that was both applicable to the piece, but also applicable at a much higher level: ‘Don’t be afraid to pause.
Got a note from Judy Olson asking if I’d write in support of John Tang for ACM Fellow. I said yes.
Had a good book club discussion (Thursday night), with everyone present for the first time this year. We read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance which I believe I summarized in the previous post. One thing that struck me from our discussion was that both E and I, who had read it long ago, had been struck by its description of formal/abstract knowledge as beautiful. We both found that validating.

The book club is now set up for its next meeting. We will read How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles van Doren, and will convene at JT’s cabin.
We had K & C over for a dinner and ‘porch sitting,’ and, as usual, had a nice time together. Katie recounted her amazing dream about killing and eating rattlesnakes. We made planked char, corn and beans with pesto, and a salad, with gluten-free Peach pie for dessert.

From ‘Now’ Forward

I’ve practiced a bit, gone for a run, and am rehydrating as I write this. We had rain last night, and from the evidence I saw while out for the running it was a lot. Kings Highway is is blocked off, and it looks like there’s about three feet of water over the road where it dips down low. I’ll have to check the rain gauge…
I just looked at “Good Reads” to see if it is a suitable place for posting book reviews — it looks like I can add ‘comments’ to book descriptions, but there is no mechanism, per se, for book reviewing. Still, once I start writing and posting reviews on the blog, it is probably a reasonable place to promote them.
I responded to a note from Cliff, who was very distressed to find that the publisher had introduced an error in his forthcoming AI book that makes it look as though he doesn’t understand the game of Go. I think his distress is overblown, but understand where he is coming from…
Now time to do a bit of reading, and then go for a bike ride.

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