Snow; Website; Rocks & Tech

Tuesday 2 February 2022

Last night’s impending ‘winter weather’ finally materialized this morning. It has been snowing vigorously since about 8 or 9, and there is quite a bit on the ground. The initial part of the storm seemed to have very tiny flakes, which made the swirls and skirls of of wind currents visible.

Continue reading Snow; Website; Rocks & Tech

Mission Table; Walk at Creek; Tech

Sunday 20 February 2022

Saturday. A chilly day. We had visitors — KM and SO, and two friends with a truck — who came to pick up a mission table that we were giving away. It was nice to see them. After that we went out and did a little furniture shopping at Room and Board and Design within Reach (or, as our friends said, Design out of Reach). We tried out a number of couches and chairs. I have to say, though I had not anticipated it, the repeated sitting-down-and-gettings-up took quite a bit out of me. I was quite tired out by the end of the day. We came home and ordered pizza, and had an early evening.

Continue reading Mission Table; Walk at Creek; Tech

Meteorology, essays, cartoon, walking

Friday 18 February 2022


This morning began with cumulus transitioning to stratus clouds, with steadily rising temperatures. This is the advent of the warm front heralded by yesterday’s cirrus clouds, and accompanied by precipitation as warmer air mixes with colder air: It is now snowing, quite vigorously, and that is forecast to continue for a couple of hours, without, however, any great accumulation. My current plan is to get out and take a walk in it.

Continue reading Meteorology, essays, cartoon, walking

Ordinary day; Audi service; river walk

Wednesday 16 February 2022

An ordinary day. I arose after a sound night’s sleep. That’s surely one positive aspect of my prostate cancer adventure — I’ve been sleeping very very well. Not that I had trouble before…

I did my usual breakfast routine: turn on the espresso machine; while it’s warming up, I heat up Katie’s oatmeal and make her tea; I put bread in to toast, go out and fetch the paper, make the espresso, and sit down with paper, espresso and toast. After that I practice piano for an hour or so.

Continue reading Ordinary day; Audi service; river walk