Weather, chat, plans…

Thursday 17 February 2021

A lovely sunny day; blue sky with faint cirrus clouds. Cold — single digit temperatures — all day, but getting up to just above freezing tomorrow with a possibility of snow. This is in accord with my meteorology notes that suggest that cirrus can form ahead of warm fronts and storms.

Had a nice chat with SJ. Discussed the process of adapting to retirement, both letting go of things and identifying what enriches ones life. Also discussed my experience with prostate cancer. To my surprise S remembered my SF story — it was quite long ago that I shared that with him.

Not sure of the Plan for the day. Only stake in the ground is to pick up the Audi when its servicing is complete. After that I will go for a walk. I did a mile and a half yesterday with no ill effects. Will aim for two today. At the moment I am inclined to browse my writing — perhaps look at the Transect essay – and see if there are pieces I feel inclined to work on, or, even better, are within range of finishing.

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