Droplet Condensation

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Yesterday morning I went down to the kitchen, and in the process of making breakfast discovered that during the previous night’s kitchen cleanup, I’d neglected a single item: the lid to the steamer. It was face down, one edge on the stove top and the other on the counter, thus giving it a slight tilt. When I picked it up, I noticed a lovely patten of water droplets on the inside of the lid.

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Meta thoughts on meandering on the net: Taleb, Perthitic Textures and Chocolate

Thursday, 5 January 2023

Some days I spent a lot of time doing associative reading, where one text leads me to hop laterally to another text, and so on. I find this pleasurable, but often, after a few hours, have little sense of what I have learned.

Today I am going to try to track, at least partially, the path of my attention.

I did not begin here, but a good starting point is Taleb.

Continue reading Meta thoughts on meandering on the net: Taleb, Perthitic Textures and Chocolate

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