Mission Table; Walk at Creek; Tech

Sunday 20 February 2022

Saturday. A chilly day. We had visitors — KM and SO, and two friends with a truck — who came to pick up a mission table that we were giving away. It was nice to see them. After that we went out and did a little furniture shopping at Room and Board and Design within Reach (or, as our friends said, Design out of Reach). We tried out a number of couches and chairs. I have to say, though I had not anticipated it, the repeated sitting-down-and-gettings-up took quite a bit out of me. I was quite tired out by the end of the day. We came home and ordered pizza, and had an early evening.

Sunday has been warm and sunny — with a high near 40° — although a cold front is just coming through and it promises to be in the single digits in a few hours. During the warmest part, EB came by and we drove over to Minihaha Creek where we took a walk. It turns out he’d never been there, and so I was pleased to introduce it to him. It was beautiful weather for a walk and we went about three miles — perhaps a bit farther than I should have tried. Coming back I felt some discomfort coming on, and ended up with a bit of pain in my lower back on one side. It seems odd: that is not where I would have expected over-exertion to produce discomfort. EB and I talked about some of the experiential aspects of recovering from prostate surgery; that was helpful.

The other notable part of the day was that I ordered a new iPhone. I did that primarily for the camera, although I will be happy to have the terabyte (!!) of storage as well. That will mean that I won’t need to back up the iPhone onto the cloud; I don’t like how that works. Eventually, when I get a new Mac, I plan to get enough storage that I won’t need iCloud either. I would like to get off the cloud — I just really dislike having subscriptions to things. It looks like I will eventually need to switch away from Microsoft Office, because they are sunsetting the versions I use and I think the only path forward is to go with the subscription offering to Office. I will either switch to the Apple Office suite which comes free with every Mac, or perhaps try some of the open source offerings — Office Libre — again. The last time I tried using it regularly, it crashed pretty frequently, but perhaps that is less of a problem now; it certainly is good at opening old versions of files.

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