w/CJS: Best Science & Nature Writing, 2022

Reading The Best American Science and Nature Writing , 2022 (ed. Ayaba Elizabeth Johnson) with CJS.

So far, as of May 2024, this is a very enjoyable read. I particularly appreciate the efforts of the editor to create a nice progression of topics, giving what is essentially an eclectic sampling of articles a higher level narrative.

Front Matter: Forward & Introduction

Series editor:

“The sweep of a spiral galaxy draws our eyes and attention much more than the black of space between the galaxies ever could. But there’s so much beauty to understand in the things we can’t see.”

Book editor:

Science and nature” I interpreted both more expansively and more narrowly than might be anticipated. Another bias of mine is being more enamored with ecology, evolution, and anthropology than with technology, medicine, and engineering. In short, 1 lean toward the “nature” in “science and nature.

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