Measure by Measure

October 2024

Reading as part of the Fall 2024 Shakespeare course — see general notes for more.

The Play Itself, and Its Characters

The officials

  • Duke, AKA Friar. The ruler of Vienna, who, along with Escalus, has been somewhat lax in enforcing laws, particularly those regarding vice.
  • Escalus. A judge, well known to the Duke.
  • Provost. The jailer — well known to Escalus, and perhaps the Duke.
  • Antonio. A noble of Vienna, trusted by the Duke, thought to be very virtuous and upright.
  • Friar Thomas. The Duke’s friend and confident in the church.


  • Elbow. A constable prone to mis-speaking

Act 1.1: Setup: Angelo to become regent

  • 1.1. Duke to depart, and leaves Angelo as his regent., Duke describes his plan to Escalus, who agrees that Angelo is the best choice. Angelo initially demurs, and wishes there be some test of his character; the Duke refuses and so Angelo takes on the commission.

The Miscreants, 1

  • Lucio. A wealthy, disipated noble. Friend to Claudio, patron of various brothels.
  • Bawd. Mistress of one or more brothels.
  • Pompey. The Bawd’s Clown. Possibly a Manager/Pimp for her brothels.
  • Claudio. Brother of Isabella, friend Lucio, fiancé of Juliet who has gotten her preganant before they are fully wedded.
  • Juliet. France of Claudio, pregnant too early.


  • Froth. A customer of Pompey and the Bawd… a John. Perhaps a tapster.

Act 1.*: Angelo ‘rules;’ Duke disguised; Isabella recruited

  • 1.2. Angelo rules. Angelo has ordered the brothels torn down, and Claudio to be arrested and executed. Claudio, arrested and brought in, laments what he has done (1.2.123-127: “. Our natures do pursue, / Like rats that raven down their proper bane,
    / A thirsty evil, and when we drink, we die.“), and begs his friend Lucio to find his sister Isabela who is entering the cloister, and beg her to intercede for him. Claudio,
  • 1.3. Duke disguised. The Duke tells Friar Thomas that he has deceived Angelo, and rather than traveling is going to stay an observe how Angelo applies justice. The Duke expresses regret that the has been so lax in ruling over his people (1.3.28-32: “For terror, not to use—in time the rod / More mocked than feared – so our decrees, / Dead to infliction, to themselves are dead, / And liberty plucks justice by the nose, / The baby beats the nurse, and quite athwart / Goes all decorum.”), but feels it would be wrong for him suddenly to apply the law strictly (“1.3.38-41: “Sith ’twas my fault to give the people scope / ‘Twould be my tyranny to strike and gall them“). He is going to stay in town, and asks Friar Thomas to give him a robe and instruct him how to behave.
  • 1.4. Isabella recruited. Lucio visits Isabella in the convent and asks her to help. She is reluctant, but he persuades her. (Lucio. 1.4.85-87: “Our doubts are traitors / And makes us lose the good we oft might win / By fearing to attempt.“)

Act 2: Escalus advises mercy; Elbow arrives and Escaulus shows Mercy; Isabella pleads; Juliet is distraught; Angelo tries to extort Isabella

  • 2.1. first part Escalus proposes that they be merciful towards Claudio. Angelo and Claudio debate the nature of justice and mercy; Angelo is not convinced to spare Claudio. Escalus is disappointed. (Escalus, 2.1.41-42: “Well heaven forgive him and forgive us all / Some rise by sin and some by virtue fall.”)
  • 2.1. second part, Elbow — “I do lean upon justice” – the constable arrives, bringing in Froth and Pompey. He often says the opposite of what he means, just as Bottom did in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Elbow presents Froth and Pompey to Angelo, and describes their crimes, and the Pompey goes on and on and Angelo decides to leave it to Escalus, hoping they’ll be whipped. Escalus proceeds with the interview, and it concludes with him letting them both go with warnings. This scene has much ‘lower-class’ wordplay that is difficult to follow.
  • 2.2. Isabella’s plea. The provost speaks to Angelo, hoping for a reprieve for Claudio. Angelo angrily refuses. Next Isabella arrives, and argues for sparing Claudio: condemn the sin but not the sinner… and later, how would Angelo fare if Christ acted like him when doling out judgement: 135-137: “Oh, it is excellent / to have a giant’s strength, but it is tyrannous /to use it like a giant.” Lucio coaches Isabella to behave in a more beseaching manner. But Angelo does not change his course, though at the end he appears to be willing to think about it, and tells her to return tomorrow. Isabella says she will bribe him, but not with gold or other valuables, but with “true prayers… from preserved souls.”
  • 2.3. The Duke arrives at prison disguised as Friar. Talks to Juliet, consuling her; Juliet learns that Claudio is to die tomorrow, and is overcome with horror.
  • 2.4. Angelo is tempted and tries to extort Isabella by telling her that he will free Claudio if she sleeps with him. At first she believes he is testing her; but finally he convinces her he is serious, and she refuses, believing Claudio would rather she preserve her honor: Lawful mercy is no kin to foul redemption.

Act 3: xxx

  • xxx, xxx
  • xxx. xxx
  • xxx, xxx


  • xxx, xxx
  • xxx. xxx
  • xxx, xxx


  • xxx, xxx
  • xxx. xxx
  • xxx, xxx


  • xxx, xxx
  • xxx. xxx
  • xxx, xxx

Quotes I Like

Claudio, 1.2.123-127
As surfeit is the father of much fast,
So every scope by the immoderate use
Turns to restraint. Our natures do pursue,
Like rats that raven down their proper bane,
A thirsty evil, and when we drink, we die.

Lucio. 1.4.85-87:
Our doubts are traitors
And makes us lose the good we oft might win
By fearing to attempt.

Escalus, 2.1.41-42:
Well heaven forgive him and forgive us all
Some rise by sin and some by virtue fall.

Isabella, 2.2.135-137:
Oh, it is excellent
to have a giant’s strength, but it is tyrannous
to use it like a giant.

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The Tempest

October 2024

This is not being read as part of the Shakespeare course; there is a week’s break for midterms, and, as CT and I are discussing S’s plays as I read them for the course, we are adding in the Tempest for this playless week.

That said, here is a link to the Shakespeare course notes: general notes

The Play Itself, and Its Characters

On the Island

  • Prospero. The deposed Duke of Milan, cast adrift with his three year old daughter, and marooned on the island. A friendly counselor, Gonzalo, secretly provided Prospero with food, water and his books of magic, which enabled them to survive the sea voyage, and for Prospero to become a powerful magician.
  • Miranda. Prospero’s daughter, marooned at the age of three, with no experience of other humans.
  • Ariel. A spirit that Prospero has bound to his service, whom he keeps promising to free thought the play, and does so at the end.
  • Caliban. A monster, offspring of the witch Scyorax, whom Prospero has enslaved and forces to do his bidding under threats of torture.

Events preceding the time of the play

  • The Usurpation. Prospero was more interested in studying magic than governing, and so gave over more and more power to his brother, Antonio, who usurped his position, with the support of Alonso, King of Milan.
  • Sycorax and Caliban. Sycorax was a witch who was banished to the island from Algiers for black magic. She was pregnant with Caliban, apparently from a liaison with a demon. On arriving on the island she established herself as its master, and enslaved Ariel, whom she eventually imprisioned in a a pine tree. She died before the arrival of Prospero, who freed Ariel and, after learning about the island from Caliban, enslaved him.
  • The Journey of Alonso, his brother Sebastian and Alonso’s retainers. They are all returning from Tunisia, where Alonso married his daughter to a prince, likely against her will.

On the Ship, and then Castways

  • Alonso, King of Naples.
  • Ferdinand, son of Alonso.
  • Claribel, daughter of Alonso, married to a Tunisian prince; not in the play.
  • Sebastian, Alonso’s brother, who will plot, to overthrow him.
  • Gonzalo, a old lord, counselor to Sebastian, but also friend to Prospero
  • Antonio, Prospero’s brother who is now Duke of Milan. Antonio and Sebastian will plot to murder Alonso, so the Sebastian can become King of Naples.
  • Adrian and Francisco, courtiers to Alonso
  • Trinculo and Stephano, respectively servant and jester, and butler, to Alonso

Act 1

  • The ship is caught in a magical storm raised by Prospero; Prospero makes sure that no one will be harmed.
  • Its passengers abandon ship and make it to the island, but are separated into three groups, each guided (or mis-guided) by Ariel:
    Trinculo and Stephano who meet up with Caliban;
    and the rest: Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, Antonio, Adrian and Francisco.
  • Ariel guides Ferdinand with singing (including “Full fathom five thy father lies…“) into the presence of Prospero and Miranda,.Ferdinand and Miranda immediately fall in love. Prospero does not want it to be too easy (“But this swift business I must uneasy make, lest to light winning make the prize too light.“), so he accuses Ferdinand of being a usurper and uses charms to enslave him and requires him to perform labors…

Act 2: Alonso et al search for Ferdinand; Sebastian and Antonio plot; Caliban switches allegiance to Stephano

  • Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, Antonio, Adrian and Francisco wander the island searching for Ferdinand. Alonso worries that he has drowned, though Gonzalo tries to encourage him.
  • Antonio persuades Sebastian that he should murder his father and become king of Naples.
  • In 2.2. Trinculo seeks shelter under a cloak and meets Caliban; then Stephano comes along and, drunk, joins them. He offers his bottle to Caliban, who gets drunk, and decides to become his servant.

Act 3: The three groups on their journeys

  • 3.1. Ferdinand, in the midst of his labors, is visited by Miranda. They declare their love for one another and swear vows to one another (handfasting); Prospero secretly observes and approves.
  • 3.2. Stephano, Trinuculo and Caliban quarrel (due to Ariel’s deception); Caliban urges Stephano to murder Prospero and become lord of the island with Miranda as his consort. Ariel continues to lead them astray.
  • 3.3. Alonso and his party are visited by strange shapes, bringing in a banquet. But then it is snatched away by Ariel in the guise of a harpy, and they are condemned for their past actions and threatened with worse than death.

Act 4: All works out as Prospero wishes

  • Prospero releases Ferdinand and gives him Miranda as his bride-to-be, and has Ariel and other spirits conduct a celebratory masque. But in the middle of the masque, Prospero remembers Caliban and Stephano and the others, and stops the masque so as to deal with them.
  • Prospero has Ariel set out beautiful apparel, which distracts Stephano and Trinculo, much to Caliban’s dismay. Then Prospero and Ariel arrive with spirts in the form of hunting dogs, and drive Caliban and the others’ off.
  • The act ends with Propero saying: “At this hour / Lies at my mercy all mine enemies.

Act 5: Prospero turns away from his vengeance and decides in favor of mercy. Everyone is freed, and all is forgiven

  • Ariel describes the suffering of Alonso’s group, and especially that of Gonzalo (“his tears run down his beard, like winter’s drops / from eaves of reeds“), who was kind to Prospero, and that he (Ariel) would be affected were he human: “…if you now beheld them your affections would become tender / Dost thou think so Spirit? / Mine would, Sir, were I human…” Prospero is touched and decides to be merciful.
  • The various parties are brought back, and together. Gonzalo is praised, Alonso is forgiven, and reunited with his son and now-daugher-in-law. The other’s are pardoned, and it appears that Caliban is freed, as is Ariel.
  • Prospero relinquishes his magical powers. “Now my charms are o’erthrown / And what strength I have’ i’s mine own / Which is most faint...” and “But release me from my bands / With the help of your good hands. / Gentle breath of yours, / My sails must fill,  / or else my project fails “

Quotes I Like

Your tale, sir, would cure deafness.
— Miranda, 1.2.127

Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.
–Trinculo, 2.2.40-41

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, 
and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
– Prospero-4.1.173-175

Full fathom five thy father lies.
Of his bones are coral made.
Those are pearls that were his eyes.
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell.
Hark, now I hear them: ding dong bell.
—Ariel 1.2.474-482

Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air;
And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.

–Prospero, 4.1.165-175

ARIEL: His tears run down his beard, like winter’s drops 
from eaves of reeds 
Your charm so strongly works ‘em
That if you now beheld them, your affections Would become tender.
PROSPERO: Dost thou think so, spirit?
ARIEL: Mine would, sir, were I human.
PROSPERO And mine shall.
Hast thou, which art but air, a touch, a feeling
Of their afflictions, and shall not myself,
One of their kind, that relish all as sharply
Passion as they, be kindlier moved than thou art?
Though with their high wrongs I am struck to th’ quick,
Yet with my nobler reason ‘gainst my fury
Do I take part. The rarer action is
In virtue than in vengeance.
– Ariel & Prospero, 5/1/20-35

Now my charms are o’erthrown
What strength I have’s mine own
Which  is most faint 
—Prospero, Epilogue, 1-3

But release me from my bands
With the help of your good hands.
Gentle breath of yours,
My sails must fill, 
or else my project fails 

—Prospero, epilogue, 9-12

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Shakespeare course, Fall 2024

I’m taking an introductory Shakespeare course at the U of Minnesota this fall.

Week 1: Intro & Life of Shakespeare, 1

The course looks very promising. The professor, Katherine Schiel, is a Shakespeare scholar and in particular researchers the life of Shakespeare’s wife. The course focuses on literature (rather than TV and move adaptations), and the syllabus shows that we will cover eight of Shakespeare’s works, including the sonnets. I was also struck by how much more talkative and friendly the other students in the course are – both in engaging in in-class discussion, and in engaging with me.

Introduction [1.1]

The first class was pretty much focuses on policy and logistics. We broke into small groups to introduce one another. My group consisted of Ryan, a Junior and MIS major from Rogers MN, and Trissy (sp?), a freshman and Biology major from St. Paul. I got a recommendation of which Shakespeare editions to purchase — she recommended the Folger editions (the Folger Library in Boston is a apparently a world-class center of Shakespeare scholarship), and have ordered all the books. Most have arrived before I wrote this entry, and I must say I take an irrational pleasure in having a colorful, well-designed set of books on myself, even though some of them are trade paperback, and others are the conventional smaller paperbacks

Life of Shakespeare, 1 [1.2]

The second class focused on Shakespeare and his life. Here are my takeaways:

  • S lived from 1564 to 1616; he died at 54, both on April 23. He was born and spent his early life in Stratford, a market town 2-days horse-ride (4-days walk) from London.
  • The following is speculation regarding his education. He was educated by his mother (known to be literate because she was the executor of her father’s will) up to the age of 7. From 7-14 he would have gone to some kind of grammar school in Stratford, where he would have learned Latin and Greek, and been expected to speak Latin at school. At 14 he would have begun 7 years of apprenticeship, but as he married at 18 — not allowed for apprentices — that either did not happen at all or at least did not continue. (It is speculated that his wife encouraged his literary career.) There is no record of S having attended either Oxford or Cambridge.
  • His father, John, was a glove-maker, but also apparently was involve din illegal wool dealing. His father was also involved in local politics, and became mayor when S was about 5. There is speculation that his father financed S’s partnership in the Globe Theatre. He may have run into financial difficulty by 1592, when S was 28.
  • His mother, Mary Arden, was from a local family that was of somewhat higher status, and that owned land. As noted, she was literate — the executor of her father’s will — and likely taught S to read, etc., up to his 7th year. . Mary had seven sisters, and so S may have had a lot of older women involved in his life and education. Some of Mary’s distant relatives were arrested for practicing Catholicism, so it is possible she was a Catholic. (England was protestant during S’s life, but Catholic before and after).
  • Siblings. S had three brothers (Gilbert, Richard and Edmund) and two sisters (Ann and Joan (who died at 8); two other sisters who died in infancy before S was born.
  • The plague was rampant in both Stratford and London throughout S’s lifetime. In the year of his birth, 25% of the population of Stratford died. At other times, 1 in 12 (1592), and 1 in 5 1603) people died in London.
  • Shakespeare’s work. 180+ sonnets, 37 plays (per the canon), and 2 long poems. There are debates about other plays that he may have written. This represents an enormous output. In particular, sonnets are very difficult to write, and so producing 180+ is amazing.
    That Shakespeare lived and wrote is extremely well documented. No serious scholars believe that his plays were written by someone else. If you want to make a big splash as a S scholar, the way to do it is to ‘discover’ that a previously anonymous play was authored by S.
    About half of S’s plays were printed during his lifetime, and they often would have been read aloud to groups in the custom of the time. S did not receive royalties on published copies. He was famous during his lifetime, but far more famous later.
  • At the time, plays had to be approved by a “Master of the Revels” to assure their suitability for public presentation. The could be an explanation for why none of S’s plays were set in contemporary London.

Assignment: Shakespeare’s Life

Write a one-paragraph (100-200 words) summary of what you already know about Shakespeare’s life (without looking anything up—just off the top of your head).  Then list two questions that you have about Shakespeare’s life story.

What I know:

Shakespeare was born. Shakespeare wrote many plays and sonnets. Many — or all? — of the plays were performed in the Old Globe Theatre in London. Then he died. Of this I am confident.

I am pretty sure Shakespeare lived and wrote during the 17th century. I am pretty sure he was reasonably successful during his lifetime. I don’t know much else about the man and his life.

Two Questions:

I wonder about the trajectory of Shakespeare’s fame. After he died was he forgotten for a while, as, I understand, was true of John Sebastian Bach, or did his reputation live on, gradually growing as the decades passed?

I also wonder about whether, or to what extent, after a play was performed, Shakespeare modified it. Is the evidence that particular plays evolved, perhaps in response to what was well received, or not, by the audience?

Assignment: Globe Theatre Reflection

By 9pm, watch the virtual tour of the Globe Theatre, and submit to the Canvas site a one-paragraph (about 150 words) response explaining what you found interesting or surprising about this space.

I was initially surprised to see it was open to the sky, but then realized that of course realized that lighting would be a big issue — not just expense, but the danger of open flames in a wooden theatre.

It also didn’t seem like there was very much back-stage space (although it was a bit difficult to tell), and wondered how actors and others managed the logistics of costume changing (if they did that), and set changing (if they did that).

It appeared, in a least one of the videos, that a certain amount of activity, and considerable entering and exiting, took place through the audience area. If that’s the case, I wonder how they kept aisles open in what appeared to be an unstructured space for a standing audience.

Assignment: Reflection

“What is the most interesting aspect of S’s life story? What questions do you have?

I am interested to learn that Shakespeare lived during a time when the plague was endemic. Death at time in the lifespan was of course a lot more common prior to 20th C, but the prevalence of the plague must have made the death of friends and acquaintances a very common phenomenon. I wonder how that affected S, and his writing: did it shape what he wrote, or did it get little notice as it would have been the norm throughout his lifetime?

In terms of questions, I’m curious about what the literary/theatrical community was like during Shakespeare’s lifetime. I believe that, a century later, during the life of Johnson, there was a very active literary culture, with gatherings in coffee shops and various salons, as well as a very active publishing scene. Did this have its roots in Shakespeare’s time, or were things different?

Week 2

Summary from last week

  • W. Shakespeare, 1564-1666 (52), b. & d. April 23. Famous and well-to-do in his lifetime, moreso after. No education beyond local; married at 18, so not apprentice.
  • Mother: Mary Arden, literate, of landowning family.
  • Seven Aunts on mothers side
  • Father: John S–, glove-maker, local politician, engaged in illegal wool trade
  • Siblings: 2 elder sisters who died soon after birth; 3 brothers (Gilsil, Richard, Edmund) and 2 sisters (Ann, Joan–died at 8).
  • Wife: Ann Hathaway, probably ran a brewery
  • Marriage: Ann (26) with William (18). Ann was above avg marrying age, W below.
  • Eldest daughter Susannah; twins (Judith and Hamlet–Hamnet died at 11); one.
  • S remained connected to Stratford all his life, investing in property there (second largest house), and traveling back frequently. Ann never lived in London…

[2.1] Life of Shakespeare, 2

  • 1585-1592 (21 – 28): We know nothing of S during this period
  • xxxx: Buys share in Globe Theatre
  • 1590’s: references to S in London begin appearing….
  • 1597: Purchases second largest house in Stratford


  • The infamous second best bed in S’s will would have been the marital bed — the bed was reserved for guests…
  • His plays show extensive knowledge of worklives of sailors, soldiers, lawyers and schoolmasters with private library (most believe he did the latter)
  • Speculation is that S could have become player/playwright through exposure to traveling troupes of actors that came through Stratford; as Mayor, his father would have handled booking them…

Interlude: On the legal rights of women during S’s time

Information on the legal rights of women in the time of Shakespeare with respect to owning property and inheriting money:

The doctrine of coverture  dictated that upon marriage, a woman’s legal identity was subsumed under that of her husband, effectively stripping her of independent legal rights, including the ability to own property. When a woman married, her property would typically become her husband’s. This legal framework meant that married women could not enter into contracts, own property, or manage their financial affairs without their husband’s consent. The only property rights that married women retained were those that they brought into the marriage, which would still be under the control of their husbands.

Inheritance laws during this period favored male heirs, but  there were exceptions:

  • Widows: Women who were widowed had some rights to inherit property. The Magna Carta (1215) provided certain protections for widows, allowing them to retain a portion of their deceased husband’s estate.
  • Co-heiresses: If a father died without a male heir, his daughters could inherit his estate as co-heiresses, although this often led to complex legal disputes over the division of property.
  • Testamentary Freedom: Men could bequeath property to their daughters in their wills, which was a way to ensure that women could inherit property, though this was not universally practiced.

Shakespeare’s own family situation reflects these legal norms. His will indicates that he intended for his daughter Susanna to inherit the majority of his estate, which included several properties. This was somewhat unusual for the time, as it was more common for estates to be passed down to male heirs. Shakespeare’s decision to leave his property to Susanna suggests a recognition of her capability to manage it, although she was still bound by the expectations of her gender and the legal constraints of the time.

At the time of his death Shakespeare had two daughters: Susanna, married to the doctor John Hall; and Judith, who had very recently married Thomas Quiney. Susanna was left her father’s real estate, including four buildings in Stratford (New Place, the grand house in which Shakespeare had lived; the Maidenhead Inn; and properties in Henley Street – including his birthplace – as well as various lands) and an ex-monastic gatehouse in the Blackfriars, London. Judith, in contrast, was left money.

Susanna inherited almost all of Shakespeare’s property, exactly as his son would have done. It’s clear that he wanted to keep his lands together as one patrimony, not split it between two daughters.  Shakespeare’s aim seems to have been for this to be a temporary transfer of lands through Susanna to her unconceived eldest son, or to any of his potential younger brothers.  Susanna had to pass the estate on as her father’s will required: effectively she had a life interest in it. Shakespeare did allow Susanna’s daughter (and only child) Elizabeth to inherit if she had no brothers, and to pass the estate on to her sons. If Elizabeth only had daughters, or had no children, the real estate would instead go to the sons of Shakespeare’s younger daughter Judith; if she had none, it would revert to a more removed male line.

Elizabeth was childless, but lived a long life. The property, acquired with the wealth Shakespeare’s success had produced, remained in her custody until her death in 1670. Then the remains of Shakespeare’s estate went to the grandson of his sister, Joan Hart.

Week 3 – Taming of the Shrew

See the separate post for a precise and comments on The Taming of a Shrew.

Notes on Origins, Tropes, Produced Versions

Shakespearean borrowing. Petrucio and Kate is an original plot; Bianca, with her suitors, is not — it is taken from a play called I Suppositi (The Pretenders) a play written by the Italian playwright Ludovico Ariosto in 1509. The plot involving Petrucio and Kate appears to be original to Shakespeare.

Shakespearean Tropes. A father with one or two rebellious daughters is a common situation in Shakespeare’s plays, as the soldier-lover (Petrucio) is a common figure.

Produced Versions. We continued our discussion of the play, amplifying it by viewing 4 different productions of the dialog between Petrucio and Kate. The productions ranged from a traditional production using Elisabethan constumes and settings, to adapations using puppets and exchanging the genders of Petrucio and Kate. I was struck by how different — in tone and meaning — the various productions were, and how effective various devices (playing of a harpsicord, smoking a cigarette) can be. The script can be played as light and comedic or as dark and violent.

I didn’t think that language in the TTotS grabbed me, but upon hearing it performed (and read in class), I came to appreciate it more.

Other: Shrew/Shrewd Etymology

I looked up the etymology of “shrew” and “shrewd.” Both started out as negative terms, and tended to be applied to women. During the 16th and 17th century, the meaning of “shrewd” began to changing, taking on positive connotations of cunning. Shakespeare used “shrewd” in both senses in different plays.

Quotes I Like

Tranio [1.1 39-40]
No profit grows where there is no pleasure ta’en
In brief, sir, study what you most affect

Petruchio [1.2: 201-214]
Why came I hither but to that intent?
Think you a little din can daunt mine ears?
Have I not in my time heard lions roar?
Have I not heard the sea, puffed up with winds, Rage like an angry boar chafed with sweat?
Have I not heard great ordnance in the field And heaven’s artillery thunder in the skies?
Have I not in a pitched battle heard Loud larums, neighing steeds, and trumpets clang?
And do you tell me of a woman’s tongue, That gives not half so great a blow to hear As will a chestnut in a farmer’s fire?
Tush, tush, fear boys with bugs!

Petruchio [2.1 139-140]
And where two raging fires meet together
They do consume the thing that feeds their fury.

Kate [2.1 203-205]
Let him who moved you hither, remove you thence.

Petruchio [4.3 177-178]
Our purses shall be proud, our garments poor,
for tis the mind that makes the body rich.

Week 4 & 5.1: Midsummer’s Night Dream

See the separate post for a precise and comments on A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Notes on Origins, Tropes, Produced Versions

Shakespearean borrowing.

  • Theseus is from Greek mythology and a figure of power
  • Oberon is from Edmund Spencer’s The Fairie Queen.
  • Titania is from Ovid’s Metamorphosis
  • The marriage of Oberon and Titania is original to S
  • The Play of Pirasy

Shakespearean Tropes.

  • A father with a rebellious daughter
  • Mischievous gods or spirits that play havoc with mortals
  • A play within the play

Produced Versions. We did not compare different productions (or that might have happened in the class I missed).


  • Ben Johnson, a S contemporary, described Shakespeare as never blotting a line

Other Notes: Northrup Frye’s Green World

The “Green World” refers to a natural, often forested setting in literature where characters retreat from the constraints of society. This environment allows for transformation, self-discovery, and the resolution of conflicts that are unmanageable within the confines of the civilized world.

  • Escape from Society: Characters leave an urban or courtly setting fraught with social rules, conflicts, or injustices.
  • Natural Environment: The Green World is typically a wild, untamed space—forests, pastoral landscapes, or any setting closely associated with nature.
  • Liminal — Transformation and Reversal: Traditional roles and social hierarchies are often inverted or suspended, allowing characters to explore different aspects of their identities.
  • Magical or Supernatural Elements: The setting may include fantastical elements that further facilitate change and resolution.
  • Resolution of Conflict: The experiences within the Green World lead to personal growth and reconciliation, enabling characters to return to society with new insights.

Other Notes: Quill & Ink and the history of writing

  • The material culture of writing with a quill and ink: quill needed to be continually sharpened; ink was made by hand, often according to a family formula; page needed to be sanded or dusted to dry the ink. Writing took a lot of effort. 

When were various writing implements invented? 

  • Quill and ink was used from 6-19th Century – quill had hollow shaft, enabling it to serve as an ink reservoir. Inks used with quills were typically iron gall inks, made from tannin (gall nuts), iron sulfate, gum arabic, and water, which produced a rich, dark color suitable for writing on parchment and paper.
    • Metal Nib Dip Pens. Metal nibs began to replace quills in the late 1700s due to their durability and ability to produce a more consistent line; they did not need sharpening. They were mass produced in Birmingham England.
    • Fountain Pens. In 1827, Romanian inventor Petrache Poenaru received a patent for a fountain pen with a barrel as an ink reservoir. In 1880 Leon Waterman improved the design by adding a capillary feed, which regulated ink flow. Early fountain pens used rubber sacs to hold ink, which were compressed to fill and release ink. Later models introduced piston fillers and cartridge systems for easier ink replacement
    • Ball Point Pens, etc. László Bíró, invented the ball point pen, using a rotating ball bearing to spread quick-drying ink, in the 1930s. These were mass-produced in the 1940’s. Much innovation occurred in the 1960’s, with roller balls, felt tips, and, in the 1980’s, gel pens. 

Other: Meter and Rhyme in Shakespeare

Blank Verse: Consists of lines with ten syllables each, following an unstressed-stressed (iambic) pattern. Variations in the meter can reflect a character’s emotional state. For example, a disrupted meter might indicate tension or turmoil; in Hamlet,  his soliloquies often contain irregularities in meter, reflecting his inner conflict and feigned or real madness.

Rhymed Couplets. Two consecutive lines that rhyme, often used at the end of a scene or act. Characters who frequently use rhyme, like the fairies in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, are set apart as mystical or otherworldly.

Rhymed verse. In Midsummer Night’s Dream the fairies use rhymed verse, highlighting the contrast between the human and magical realms.

Trochaic tetrameter. The Witches in Macbeth speak in trochaic tetrameter (a stressed-unstressed pattern), creating a haunting rhythm.

Sonnets: The first conversation between Romeo and Juliet forms a perfect sonnet, symbolizing their instant and profound connection.

Prose. Often used by commoners. Or can be used to indicate characters who are feigning madness or in disguise.

Feminine endings in Shakespearean verse refer to lines of iambic pentameter that conclude with an extra unstressed syllable, resulting in an 11-syllable line instead of the regular 10. This technique adds rhythmic variety and can convey subtle nuances in a character’s speech, such as hesitation, complexity of thought, or emotional intensity.

Enjambment: The continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, which can build tension or urgency. Macbeth: 

 Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible
To feeling as to sight? Or art thou but
A dagger of the mind, a false creation…”

Macbeth’s lines spill over from one to the next, mirroring his disturbed mental state and the blurring of reality and hallucination.

Quotes I Like

Trip away, make no stay
Meet me by the break of day. 
– Oberon, 5.1.438-9 (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

My legs can keep no pace with my desires 
–Hermia, 3.2.474  (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them into shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
– Theseus, 5.1.15-18 (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

Week 5.2 & 6.x: Much Ado about Nothing

See separate entry for notes on the Much Ado itself.

This was one of Shakespeare’s later comedies — it is dated to 1598.

Inspired by Shakespeare’s poetry
I’ve tried to turn my hand to verse
A few iambic lines a day
Though listeners will no doubt curse

Note to Charles re our meeting on Much Ado…
If gods allow a bout of wind or flood
To ban brave Pip and Chas from east green lawn
Then 222 in Groveland’s stout redoubt
Is where I’ll turn to seek you out.

Origins, Tropes, Versions

Shakespearean borrowing.

  • Benedict and Beatrice plot is original
  • Hero and Claudio is taken from other (multiple) sources. One is the Italian writer Aristo

Shakespearean Tropes.

  • Again we see the soldier as lover in Cladio and Benedict
  • Again we see deception. But here deception is deployed for two reasons: As revenge (via Don Juan) to attempt to spoil the marriage between Claudio and Hero; as manipulation (via Don Pedro, et al) to orchestrate a marriage between Benedict and Beatrice.
  • We see the strong assertive woman in Beatrice, but unlike Kate (in ‘Shrew’) Beatrice is not bitter and angry, perhaps because she is also accepted for who she is, and is not a daughter of any of the principals, but less closely related

Produced Versions

Some of the ways the play has been performed: A Bollywood style; another set in a park in NYC before the 2020 election; 2014 Victorian production; Royal Shakespeare Co. at Stratford, 2022 – afro-futurist production.

Other notes: Cuckolds

Cuckold jokes – runs through this play, and other plays as well.Why is Benedict still telling cuckold jokes at the end of the play, if he and Beatrice have been brought together in a trusting message. Cuckold jokes may release anxiety or reinforce ideas of unfaithful women – Shakespeare did not actually have any cuckolds in his play. 

Other Notes: Ghost Characters

The world of printing Shakespeare’s texts (and ghost characters – characters who appear only in the stage directions.. Ghost characters might occur because of a shortage of boys who could play women.  S likes family structures with strong fathers and absent mother figures – to highlight patriarchial power. 

Other Notes: Folios, Quartos, and the First Folio

Folio (folded once) – expensive, with leather binding
Quarto (folded twice) ==: cheaply printed single editions

The First Folio

A collection of Shakespeare’s plays (all but Pericles), put together by John Heminge and Henry Condell in 1623, 7 years after Shakespeare’s death. There were three other Folios. 

  • Genres: The first Folio sorts the plays into three genres: comedies, romances, and tragedies. We don’t know if Shakespeare used these genres, or if the editors used them. There were around 750 copies printed – only 233 survive today. The most recent one sold for $10 million. Every copy is different, since proofreading occurred as the Folio was printed. 
  • Eighteen of Shakespeare’s plays appear only in the first Folio:  MacbethThe Tempest, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, Measure for Measure, The Winter’s Tale, King John, Timon of Athens, All’s Well that Ends Well Antony and Cleopatra, Comedy of Errors, Coriolanus, Cymbeline, 1 Henry VI, Henry VIII, The Taming of the Shrew Two, Gentlemen of Verona

Quotes I Like

“I would my horse have the speed of your tongue”
–Benedict, 1.1.139

“I have a good eye, uncle; I can see a church in daylight.”
– Beatrice, 2.1.80

“It is no great addition to her wit,
nor no great argument for her folly.”
– Benedict, 2.3.242-244

“Contempt farewell and maiden pride adieu
no glory lives behind the backs of such.”
– Beatrice, 3.1.115-116

“She would mock me into air…”
— Beatrice, 3.1.79

“Shall quips and sentences and these paper
bullets of the brain awe a man
from the career of his humor.”
– Benedict, 3.1.242-244

Runs not this speech like iron through your blood?
– Don Pedro, 5.1255

Week xxx: <Play>

See separate entry for discussion of the play itself.

Origins, Tropes, Versions

Shakespearean borrowing. xxx

Shakespearean Tropes. xxx

Produced Versions. xxx

Other notes: xxx


Quotes I Like

Week xxx: <Play>

See separate entry for discussion of the play itself.

Origins, Tropes, Versions

Shakespearean borrowing. xxx

Shakespearean Tropes. xxx

Produced Versions. xxx

Other notes: xxx


Quotes I Like

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Much Ado about Nothing

October 2024

Reading as part of the Fall 2024 Shakespeare course — see general notes for more.

The Play Itself, and Its Characters

Inhabitants of Messina

  • Leonato, Governor of Messina
  • Leonato’s Brother. He is unnamed; apparently he is not Beatrice’s father.
  • Hero, Leonato’s daughter. She appears to be a fairly conventional young woman, and will very shortly agree to marry Clauido. \
  • Beatrice, Leonato’s niece. As assertive, witty woman, self confident and not angry or bitter. She engages in a “merry war” with Benedict, whom she appears to have known a long time. No father is mentioned; Leonato appears to be her protector.
  • Margaret and Ursula are two women in waiting to Hero. Margaret is some sort of attraction to one of Don Juan’s servants…

Visiting Soldiers in Messina

  • Don Pedro, Prince of Aragon, who has just come from a war, involving the rebellion of his brother Don Juan.
  • Count Cladio, a young lord from Florence, and hero of the war
  • Signor Benedict, a soldier and best friend of Claudio.
  • Balthazar.
  • Signor Antonio.
  • Don Juan. Don Pedro’s brother, who has been defeated, but is angry and wishes to get revenge.
  • Borrachio and Conrade, two followers of Don Juan who do his bidding.

Action: 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3

  • Leonato learns of Don Pedro’s arrival, his victory in war, and that Claudio is a hero.
  • Beatrice enquires as to whether Benedict has returned (referring to him as Montano, or up-thrust), and upon learning that he has, pokes fun at him, in the spirit of their “merry war.”
  • Don Pedro meets Hero
  • Benedict and Beatrice engage in an exchange of insults. 1.1.110-142
    (“I would my horse had the speed of your tongue”)
  • Leonato has invided Don Pedro and his company to stay for at least a month
  • Claudio is taken with Hero and wants to marry her; Benedict tires to disuade him, making humorus remarks about her (mentioning, in passing, the Beatrice is more beautiful by far), and warns about marriage and the prospect of being betrayed by women.
  • Claudio and Don Pedro talk of Hero, and Don Pedro says he will support Claudio’s suit, and even woo her on Claudio’s behalf. “What need the bridge much longer than the flood?” — Don Pedro, 1.1.311
  • 1.2: Leonanto hears a garbled account from his brother, namely that Don Pedro wishes to court Hero
  • 1.3: Don Juan learns the truth, that Don Pedro will woo Hero on Claudio’s behalf, and decides he will spoil it to get revenge. Borrachio and Conrade agree to help him.

Action: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

  • Beatrice and Leonato banter about marriage; Leonato advises Hero to accept a proposal from Don Pedro, if there is one, and Beatrice advises Hero to do what she wishes.
  • The masked revel begins, and Hero and the disguised Don Pedro dance and talk. Benedict flirts with Margaret, Hero’s Lady in Waiting. Urusula and Antonio flirt.
  • The masked Benedict and Beatrice engage in repartee.
  • The revel ends, and all exit except Don Juan, Borrachio and Claudio: Don Juan tells Claudio (believing he is Benedict), that Don Pedro loves Hero. Claudio is dismayed but accepts this:
    Friendship is constant in all other things / Save the office and affairs of love.”– 173-4
  • Benedict arrives and tells Claudio that Don Pedro has ‘got his Hero,’ poking fun at him; Claudio leaves.
  • The Prince, Leonato and Hero arrive. Benedict explains he has told Claudio that the Prince has won Hero; the Prince disabuses him of this notion. The Prince then tells him that Beatrice’s dance partner reported that she has a quarrel with Benedict; Benedict replies with a long speech about his grievances with Beatrice.
  • Beatrice and Hero arrive, and they spar, and Benedict leaves. Don Pedro announces he has won Hero, and will give her to Don Pedro, who is overjoyed. Beatrice seems to say she will never be married; Don Pedro asks if she will have him, but she says no.
  • Don Pedro declares he will cause Benedict and Beatrice to marry, and engages Leonato, Claudio and Hero to assist him.
  • 2.2. Don Juan is angry that Claudio will marry hero; Borrachio proposes to stop the marriage by making it appear the Hero is unfaithful.
  • 2.3. Benedict has a soliliquoy where he regrets Claudios change of heart, but declares that he will not marry. Then, as Leonato, Don Pedro and Balthazar arrive, he hides in the arbor. Balthazar sings the song, about women having to accept men’s faithlessness.
  • 2.3: The Gulling of Benedict. Then Leonato and Don Pedro and Claudio talk about Beatrice’s love for Benedict, and he begins to believe it. After this, Benedict has a soliliquoy where we see him changing his mind, persuading himself. Then Beatrice arrives and reluctantly summons Benedict to dinner, with her usual caustic wit. After she departs, Benedict finds he can read her words in a positive way, and decides he will pursue her.
  • Dogberry.

Action: 3.1 – 3.2

  • 3.1. The Gulling of Beatrice. Hero sends Margaret to tell Beatrice that they are talking about her, and Beatrice comes and eavesdrops: Hero and Ursula praise Benedict, and criticize Beatrice. The scene ends with Beatrice depending of her behavior (“Contempt farewell and maiden pride adieu / no glory lives behind the backs of such.” – Beatrice, 3.1.115-116) and convinced of Benedict’s love: “Benedict, love on!”
  • 3.2. Don Pedro and Claudio and Leonato and Benedict are together, and Benedict hints (“I am not as I was”), and Claudio and Don Pedro diagnose that Benedict is in love. Leonato and Benedict exit to talk privately, and Don John appears and tells Don Pedro and Claudio that Hero is unfaithful and he will prove it..

The Constabulary

  • Dogberry, the Constable. He is the chief, but is very odd, prone to misdirection and malapropisms and often behaving in the opposite way one would expect.
  • Verges, Dogberry’s assistant.

Acts 3.3 – 5

  • Dogberry and Verges enter, and appoint one of the watchmen chief. Dogberry gives them instructions, which are the opposite of what one would expect, basically to ignore people who won’t obey them. Dogberry urges that they keep a close watch on Leonato’s house, due to the impending marriage of Hero and Claudio. Then Borrachio and Comrade enter (not noticing the watchmen), and Borrachio drunkenly boasts of his trickery. The watchmen hear this, and seize both of them.
  • 3.4. Hero and Ursula, dressing Hero for her marriage, are joined by Beatrice, who seems ill… and they tease her that she is in love. Others arrive to escort Hero et al to the wedding.
  • 3.5. Dogberry and Verges try to tell Leonardo about what they discovered, but they are unintelligible, and Leonardo dismisses them.

Act 4.1 – 5.4 (end)

  • 4.1. Wedding/Shaming of Hero. At the wedding Claudio et al denounce Hero and leave; Hero protests and finally faints. The Friar who was performing the wedding believes in Hero’s innocence based on closely watching her face as she was accused, and argues strongly for it. He convinces Leonardo (who did not believe Hero, and is still unsure) to say that she had died, believing it may remind Claudio of his love for her. Benedict suggests the Don Pedro and Claudio may have been misled, and that Don John is the likely culprit. Beatrice asks Benedict to kill Claudio; he first objects, but then consents.
  • 4.2. Examination and proof of deception. Dogberry, Verges and the Sexton examine Borrachio and Conrade. The Sexton calls the watchman, who describes what Borrachio has done. It ends with Borrachio and Conrade calling Dogberry an ass, which clearly angers him.
  • 5.1. The Challenge and Revelation. Leonato is raving with grief as his brother tries and fails to console him. Leonato and his brother announce that Hero is dead, and quarrel with Don Pedro and Claudio. They try to challenge Claudio to a duel, but he will not accept. Then Benedict arrives and quarrels with them as well, and succeeds in challenging Claudio to a duel and then departs. Dogberry, the Sexton and the prisoners arrive, and their deception is explained, and it is revealed the Don John has fled. Claudio and Don Pedro are horrified: “Runs not this speech like iron through your blood?” Claudio begs Leonato’s forgiveness, and is told that as penance he is to marry his niece and heir — who is very much like Hero — tomorrow. Borrachio also says Margaret is innocent.
  • 5.2 Hero’s innocence. Benedict tells Beatrice that he has challenged Claudio. They are summoned to Leanato’s with the news that Hero has been proven innocent.
  • 5.3. Hero’s funeral. Claudio hangs a scroll on Hero’s tomb, and has a song sung for her.
  • 5.4.The Wedding. Claudio appears to marry Leanatro’s niece, who is masked, and it is revealed that she is hero. Beatrice and Benedict also marry, but only out of pity for each other — though poems each has written reveal their love for one another. Claudio is forgiven by all.

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