Measure for Measure

October 2024

Reading as part of the Fall 2024 Shakespeare course — see general notes for more.

Precis of Measure for Measure

The Duke of Vienna (aka Friar Lodowick) plans to travel abroad, leaving young Angelo as regent, empowered to enforce laws that the Duke has allowed to go fallow. However, the Duke really plans to remain in Vienna, disguised as a Friar, to see how Angelo carries out his duties. Angelo immediately shuts down many of the houses of prostitution, and condemns Claudio, a man who has only erred in having sex after handfasting but before the banns were read, to be executed. This seems extreme and disturbs many: Escalus, a judge; the Provost, who runs the jail; and Lucio, a friend of Claudio and ne’r do well Viennese noble. Lucio seeks out Isabella, Claudio’s sister, who is in the process of joining a convent, to persuade Angelo to be merciful, after protests by Escalus and the Provost fail. Angelo speaks with Isabella, steadfastly refusing, until she asks him to look into his heart and see if has not had similar feelings that led Claudio to his current straits.  Angelo wavers, and tells her to return tomorrow. In a soliloquy he reveals that is attracted to her virtue, and wishes to have sex with her. In a second interview he tells her he’ll free Claudio if she’ll sleep with him. She refuses, and he tells her if she does not relent he’ll torture Claudio to death.

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The Tempest

October 2024

This is not being read as part of the Shakespeare course; there is a week’s break for midterms, and, as CT and I are discussing S’s plays as I read them for the course, we are adding in the Tempest for this playless week.

That said, here is a link to the Shakespeare course notes: general notes

Precis of The Tempest

Before the play: Duke Prospero deposed, with young Miranda cast adrift, but Gonzalo secreted food, water and books as gifts. Now magician-ruler of the isle, he’s bound Ariel, enslaved Caliban, and his magically-raised storm has brought his enemies to him. They are Sebastian, his usurping brotherKing Alonso, who went along, and Antonio who has learnt sibling-treachery from Sebastian. Innocents too, are also present: Prince Ferdinand, Alonso’s son, and old Gonzales, faithful one

     The play itself: the travelers are cast separately, each group to take a journey. Ferdinand will Miranda woo; Caliban will revolt, but rue; Alonso’s overthrow is thwarted. Prospero has a change of heart, forgives those arrayed against him, All return, but Caliban, to rule Naples and Milan. 

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Shakespeare course, Fall 2024

I’m taking an introductory Shakespeare course at the U of Minnesota this fall.

Week 1: Intro & Life of Shakespeare, 1

The course looks very promising. The professor, Katherine Schiel, is a Shakespeare scholar and in particular researchers the life of Shakespeare’s wife. The course focuses on literature (rather than TV and move adaptations), and the syllabus shows that we will cover eight of Shakespeare’s works, including the sonnets. I was also struck by how much more talkative and friendly the other students in the course are – both in engaging in in-class discussion, and in engaging with me.

These are more general notes; I also notes on each play read that can be found from the “About this site” page.

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Much Ado about Nothing

October 2024

Reading as part of the Fall 2024 Shakespeare course — see general notes for more.

Precis of Much Ado About Nothing

Don Pedro and his cohort arrive at the residence of Leonato, governor of Messina, who has a daughter Hero and a niece, Beatrice. Beatrice, a witty and assertive woman has long been in a “merry war” of words with returning soldier Signor Benedict. Don Pedro decides to play match maker and deceives them both, leading each to think the other is in love with them, and so Beatrice is matched with the marriage-shy Benedict. At the same time, her cousin, Hero, is on course to wed Count Claudio, hero of the recent war, until she is framed by the villainous Don John, brother to Don Pedro. Don John’s ruse succeeds for some, pitting Beatrice and Benedict against Count Claudio, Leonato and others, until Dogberry, a crazy constable, exposes the deception carried out by John’s henchmen, Borrachio and Conrade, and everyone is reconciled and married. 

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