EP #5*: Favorites from the Golden Age of the Am. Essay** 1945-1970


An Evening with Jackie Kennedy, Norman Mailer
Writing about Jews, Philip Roth
The Paranoid Style in American Politics, Richard Hofstadter
The Twenty-ninth Republican Convention, Gore Vidal
One Night’s Dying, Loren Eisley

Continue reading EP #5*: Favorites from the Golden Age of the Am. Essay** 1945-1970

Views: 13

w/CS: The Ends of the World, Peter Brannon

The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and our Quest to Understand Earth’s Past Mass Extinctions. Peter Brannon. 2017

April – June 2023

Summary of Periods and Mass Extinctions

  • Edicarian: 635-538. First appearance of wide-spread multi-cellular organisms in ocean: Soft-bodied microbial organisms forming mats and other structures, and free-floating filter feeders.
  • End-Edicarian extinction: ~448. 86% species went extinct.* Possibly due to advent of burrowing organisms that disrupted largely sessile ecosystem. Not an official mass extinction because of a very incomplete fossil record.
  • Cambrian: 538-485. Warm shallow seas flank margins of several continental remnants of the breakup of the supercontinent Pannotia. In ocean there is the advent of hard-bodied complex organisms, and subsequent explosion of diversity into all phyla known today. The land bare except for microbial crust; arthropods and mollusks begin to adapt to life on land towards the end of this period.
  • Ordovician: 485 – 433. High CO2 levels and continents inundated with vast shallow seas jammed with life: brachiopods; trilobites; cephalopods; eurypterids; grapholites; and jawless fish. Many isolated continents and islands, with continents at south pole and a global sea occupying most of the northern hemisphere. First spores of land plants (fungi and simple plants) at 467Ma, with their spread possibly releasing phosphorous into the ocean stimulating algal blooms and CO2 sequestration.
  • End-Ordovician extinction:~345 Ma. 75% species went extinct.* Major ice age, likely precipitated by biogenic CO2 depletion, followed by a whip-lash of warming.
  • Silurian: 443-419. Gondwanaland and island chains provide diversity of environments; in the ocean early fish diversify into jawed and bony fish. Terrestrial life expands in the Silurian-Devonian Terrestrial Revolution: vascular plants emerge from more primitive land plants, and three groups of arthropods (myriapods, arachnids and hexapods) became fully terrestrialized.
  • Devonian: 419-359. Gondwana supercontinent in the south, Siberia to the north, and Laurussia to the east. Free-sporing vascular plants form extensive forests (Archaeopteris); by the middle of the Devonian several groups have evolved leaves and true roots; by the end the first seed-bearing plants appear.
  • Late-Devonian extinction event: ~250 Ma. 96% species went extinct.* Two major extinction pulses, and many smaller pulses. One theory is that it is due to the release of nutrients by the punctuated spread of land plants as they developed vascular systems with leaves and roots, and seeds.
  • Carboniferous: 359-299. Age of amphibians — also first appearance of amniotes from which both reptiles and mammals came. Vast rainforests covered the land, and insects diversified. The latter part of the Carboniferous experienced glaciations, low sea level, and mountain building as the continents collided to form Pangaea. A minor marine and terrestrial extinction event, the Carboniferous rainforest collapse, occurred at the end of the period, caused by climate change
  • Permian: 299-251. On land: The Carboniferous rainforest collapse left behind vast regions of desert in the continental interior. Amniotes, which could better cope with the conditions, diversified into the synapsids (the ancestors of mammals which came to dominate the Permian) and the sauropsids (reptiles). . In the ocean fish diversify with placoderms dominating almost every known aquatic environment, alongside coeleocanths, with sharks and bony fishes on the sidelines.
  • End-Permian extinction: 251.9 Ma. 80% of species went extinct.* The Siberian Traps were created at 252 Ma and also interacted with the Tunguska sedimentary basin filled with carbonates, shale, coal and salt in layers up to 12 Km thick; it is the worlds largest coal basin. When the magma intersected the basin, it caught fire, detonated in multiple places, and released vast about of CO2 and methane, on top of the CO2 produced by the eruption contributing to global warming and ocean acidification and anoxia. Other chemicals produced by the incineration of the Tunguska basin contents may have destroyed the ozone layer.
  • Triassic: 252-201. Brannen argues for a long 5 – 10 million year recovery, but that is disputed. The ancestors of crodcodiles dominated the Triassic; ancestors of dinosaurs and first true mammals appear, but were not dominant. The global climate during the Triassic was mostly hot and dry. Pangea had deserts spanning much of its interior until ita began to gradually rift into Laurasia and Gondwana to the south. In line with this the climate shifted from hot and dry to more humid, with a massive rainfall event called the Carnian Pluvial Event that lasted a million years.
  • End Triassic Extinction: 200 Ma. 80% of species went extinct.* Volcanism from the rifting of Pangea produced flood basalt that covered more than 4 million square miles. The CO2 concentration doubled or tripled, raising the already warm temperatures by at least 3 ° C. The final extinction pulse was fast: on the order of 20,000 years.
  • Jurassic: 201.4 – 145. Gondwana begins to rift. Climate warm and humid.
  • Cretaceous: 145 – 66. Gondwana completes rifting and by the end of the period today’s continents are recognizable, but with shallow inland seas in North America and Africa and between Greenland and Norway.
  • End Cretaceous Extinction: xxx. 76% of species went extinct.* Most likely some combination of the eruption of the Siberian Traps and the Chixtulub impact lead to global warming and an extended period of darkness. Almost all large animals eliminated, including all dinosaurs excerpt ancestors of birds.
  • Percent of species that went extinct, for any one event, vary considerably among sources. These numbers are better read as an indicator of relative severity.
Continue reading w/CS: The Ends of the World, Peter Brannon

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Notes on Graphic Granite and Perthitic Textures

While I am used to thinking of granite as an evenly but coarsely textured rock consisting of quartz, feldspars and micas, it is also the case that it can take on very different appearances.

One reason for a different appearance may be that the composition varies from ‘prototypical’ granite, say, with more feldspar, or more quartz, etc. Basically, if one moves around the QAPD diagram, variations in composition can lead to different appearances.

A second reason for a different appearance may be that in the case of certain minerals — Feldspars (and apparently quartz as well) – they may be comfortably intermixed at higher temperatures and pressures, but as they cool (either slowly, or in the presence of water), the may pass through a phase where the different minerals become immiscable and sort themselves out (exsolution), resulting in a distinctive texture. Examples below.

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